- annie
- billy
- speed
- speedfreak
- whizz
- bhang
- biftah
- black
- blaze – to smoke marijuana
- blow
- blunt
- chong it – to smoke constantly and heavily
- doobie
- dope
- draw
- ganja
- grass
- hash
- hashcake
- hash-head
- henry – an eighth in weight – from Henry VIII
- hot knives
- joint
- Leb
- Mary Jane
- Mary Warner
- puff
- reefer
- roach – the butt or filter of a marijuana/cannabis cigarette
- skins – cigarette papers
- skunk
- spacecake
- teenth – a sixteenth in weight
- Thai sticks
- weed
- wacky backy
Cocaine/Freebased Cocaine
- blow
- Bolivian marching powder
- C
- charlie
- coke
- crack
- kryptonite
- nose candy
- snow
- brown sugar
- dope
- H
- horse
- scag
- skag
- smack
- jack up
- shoot up
- the works
- blunted
- brained
- e’d up
- high as a kite
- loaded
- mashed
- off one’s box/chump/face/head/tree
- out of one’s box/chump/face/head/tree
- shedded
- shit faced
- sledge
- stoned
- trashed
- trolleyed
- wrecked
- acid
- acid head – user of LSD
- blotter
- tab
- trip
- bean – a pill
- eckey
- ecstacy
- gary – rhyming slang on Gary Ablett
- little – a pill
- xtc
- blowback
- bogart
- bomb – powdered drug contained within a cigarette paper
- cane it
- chasing the dragon – smoking heroin/crack
- chemicals
- cold turkey
- comedown
- drop
- gear
- hit
- junkie/junky
- pill-head
- rush
- skin up
- stash
- strap up
- strap up a fatty
- tab – tablet
- toke
- wrap – a small paper envelope containing drugs
Other Drugs
- angel dust – PCP
- barbs – barbiturates
- crystal – methamphetamine
- GBH – GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate)
- jellies – temazepam
- K – ketamine
- little pointy friends – magic mushrooms
- mushies – magic mushrooms
- poppers – amyl/butyl nitrate
- shrooms – magic mushrooms
- special K – ketamine
- tranks – tranquillizers